I am guessing that I should apologize for not really feeling like blogging lately.
But I won't.
I don't feel like it (apologizing or blogging).
I am sad and angry. I am lost and lonely.
I am trying to enjoy summer, so far I only love the rain and fresh fruit.
I am trying to keep my head up.
I don't feel witty, or clever, or insightful.
I just am not good company of late.
I really don't want to talk about the problem, so it leaves me with little to say.
So, I will say that I miss you all. Which is strange since I don't really know you. But there is something to be said for sharing these posts, divulging the personal to perfect strangers and finding in that a kinship.
I mean I have a wicked green thumb, and all my house plants need emergency surgery. I am just very...tired. Tired is not the correct word, but it's what I find myself saying lately. Even though I have actually been sleeping well.
As a trivial aside, I will add that I recognize that carbs do not help me at all when I am like this.
I need to refuel. Nourish my
self.Right now, I am as blank as the watercolor paper in my art room
. So, I may link to someone who is actually clever, or post a picture or an old posting until I shake this off.
I felt I owed an explanation.P.S. I do have a few comments about Rosie....but she gives me such a headache, it can keep.